Green Business Gazette
Green Business and Sustainable Production


iso 14001

From the Editor’s Desk

Have you ever wondered why local products are not making it at the international stage? The lack of international environmental standards in the manufacturing of goods and service delivery greatly hinders their ability to compete at the global stage.

The rise of globalization and international trade has opened opportunities for local businesses to enter into international markets. Within a few hours, goods and services can reach destinations that are far away from their origin and occupy markets in other parts of the world. Whilst demand for products and services continues to rise, consumers are also beginning to demand the implementation of international environmental standards.

International Standards such as ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management Systems and ISO 50001:2018 Energy Management Systems are successful examples of how companies can demonstrate environmental and energy stewardship. Products manufactured by companies implementing Environmental Management Systems (EMS) are better acceptable at the international stage that those implemented by the companies which ignore environmental sustainability.

Environmental standards give customers peace of mind and confidence that the products and services are delivered in an environmentally friendly manner.

Without environmental standards, companies can find their products rejected globally. It may be easy to hoodwink local consumers who mainly look at price alone in making purchasing decisions; but at the global stage it is foolhardy to ignore environmental sustainability standards.

An Environmental Management System based on ISO 14001:2015 consists of a set of policies and procedures that enable an organization to achieve its objectives. The environmental management systems (EMS) enables an organization to attain environmental protection, pollution prevention and attain sustainable development. An organisation of any kind can implement an environmental management system. Some companies claim to be implementing self-declared Environmental Management Systems but ideally, it is necessary to implement a 3rd Party certified management system such as that certified by a certification body. “Implementing ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management Systems demonstrates commitment to managing significant environmental aspects and impacts of operations, products and services”

Companies can no longer operate without international standards. When companies ignore international standards, the door to their international breakthrough will be locked. Everywhere you go internationally in the corporate world, business cannot go ahead if Environment and Social Governance (ESG) issues are not fully addressed. Access to finance is also a restricted if there is no evidence of environmental stewardship.

If your organization is serious about international business, get in touch with your certification body today, in order to get more information about ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management Systems (EMS).

Successful businesses are proactive rather than reactive. In this regard, it is imperative for business to implement international environmental standards at the early stages of their businesses in order to ensure that they flourish in sustainability at an early stage.

Environmental Management Systems will benefit your organization through resource efficiency (energy, water and materials), access to international markets, improved environmental compliance, improved corporate image, better relations with community members and reduction in waste quantities.

Implementing ISO 14001:2015 makes business sense to any progressive enterprise which seeks to consolidate its global presence. The journey to global trade and international recognition cannot be complete without adherence to Environmental Management Systems requirements.

In order for environmental management philosophies to be espoused in corporate thinking, there is need for a high level of management commitment. Management commitment ensures that there is advanced implementation through inspiring employees to adopt measures that protect the environment. The future of business is hinged upon management successfully harnessing the resources within the organisation and also implementing environmental management within its operations.

The next time you travel to another continent, be prepared to drink coffee from your home country, wear a leather jacket from material sourced from your region and a bowl of starter soup with some ingredients from your corner of the world. It is possible for sweet honey, produced by your sustainable organization to find itself in any corner of the world. Until companies realize that environmental management is a business issue, they may remain in the same position for many years without growth. Going green is a passport to global excellence.


  • Tawanda Collins Muzamwese is the Editor in Chief of the Green Business Gazette Magazine. He is is an international consultant in sustainable business development with massive experience in training, consulting and auditing. He has facilitated capacity development in more than 100 enterprises drawn from over 30 countries. He is the founder of the sustainability think-tank called Toxiconsol Consultancy t/a African Sustainability Consultants. He is the Editor in Chief of the Green Business Gazette Magazine. He is a consultant and business coach with over 13 years experience. Tawanda is a Management Systems Consultant working on promoting development and implementation of ISO Standards (ISO 14001:2015, ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 45001:2018) in both developed and developing countries. With his inspirational and pragmatic writing style he has written cutting edge books including: 1) How to grow a Side-hustle into a viable business - Overcome Salary Dependency 2) The Leading Consultant: How become an authority in your professional field 3) Step-by-Step Guide to implementing Safety, Health, Environment and Quality Management Systems 4) Stepping on Higher Perspectives: Greatness Tips Motivational Series 5) Sustainability Guidebook for Boards and CEOs: Leading from the front Tawanda writes about sustainability, motivation, safety, health, environment and quality management. His books are relevant to both developed and developing countries. With practical approaches and case studies, he provides incisive insights into entrepreneurship. His philosophy is based on the premise that every human being has potential to make a significant difference in their lifetime. He writes books on taking personal responsibility for progression in life. He motivates entrepreneurs to implement income generating projects and determine their own financial destiny. He also motivates companies to take up sustainability initiatives. A start-up coach, public speaker, environmentalist, safety, health and quality management expert, Muzamwese bridges the gap between theory and practice through building capacity and sharing practical case studies in his books.

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