The month of February 2020 saw the opening of the new Saint-Gobain Construction Products Zimbabwe (SGCP Zim) tile adhesive plant in Msasa, Harare. This further cements the company’s role as the market leader in designing, manufacturing and distribution of building materials and solutions which are key in buildings, infrastructure, transportation and industrial applications.
The Weber Plant, at its full capacity will be able to produce 15 000 tonnes of tile adhesive per annum as the company strives to deliver on its goal of providing high quality solutions that ensure comfort and convenience in homes as well as in industry.
Perhaps, the most outstanding feature about this new Weber plant is that it comes with a 36kWp solar installation that will allow the factory to operate off the grid whilst a number of manufacturers are battling with incessant load shedding as well as the high cost of electricity. The building being suitably located in the Msasa industrial area, away from buildings or shading from trees, fully harnesses the sun with roof mounted panels. This means that the manufacturing plant will benefit from extended periods of unimpeded sunlight shining down and generating the much-needed energy for the plant.
At a time when most manufacturing plants are having to use diesel generators to meet production targets, which comes with a recurring cost of fuel and a carbon footprint, Saint-Gobain has ensured that it meets its production targets and the company’s commitment to contribute to the common good by limiting the impacts of its activities on the environment.
The company is not only pushing towards sustainable industrial production, but also continuing to serve the region and generate much-needed foreign currency by exporting to Malawi, Mozambique and Zambia.
This new Weber plant developed by Saint Gobain demonstrates how industry can take a lead in Inclusive and Sustainable Industrial Development through fostering industrial productivity, environmental stewardship, creation of employment and promotion of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) Number 7 (Clean and Affordable Energy)

The new Saint Gobain Weber Plant in Harare – a case study of renewable energy and green manufacturing