Waste management has been observed as one of the leading global problems that are directly contributing to greenhouse gas emissions, and consequently, climate change. In Zimbabwe, as in most cities of the world, waste management challenges are driven by population growth in urban centres, coupled with poor archaic waste management practices. The volume of waste being generated continues to increase at a faster rate than municipal authorities can manage and is projected to increase by 30% by 2030 if business continues as usual (Institute of Environmental Studies, 2013). The challenge of waste has come about as a result of the mismatch between waste generation and management; rapid urbanisation, globalisation, and change in consumption patterns among other issues.

The Asher, distributed by RESQ Energy Pvt. Ltd, provides a fitting solution. It is an eco-friendly waste management unit that decomposes organic and inorganic waste to a mere 4% of the original weight disposed of. The solar powered machine literally ‘bakes’ solid waste into a non-toxic inert ash without polluting the environment – effectively solving problems associated with landfills and incinerators. The inert ash can be used as part of the circular economy, to make fertiliser and as an additive to pavers in construction.

In Harare, waste is collected using a linear model that starts at collection, transportation and disposal at Pomona and Golden quarry disposal sites. Both sites have surpassed their carrying capacity and have become a socio-environmental crisis, characterized by flaring of landfill gas emissions, that add to the greenhouse gases. Adopting new technologies is the foundation of socio economic development. RESQ Energy is introducing the Asher technology to both business and local authorities’ waste management systems, not only to address waste management challenges, but also reduce   emissions for Zimbabwe. 

The Asher is essentially a pyrolysis waste disposal unit that fits easily into a parking space. It can treat most types of solid waste, both organic and inorganic. When waste is put into the Asher, it ends up in the bottom of the thermal degradation chamber, where it decomposes materials at elevated temperatures in the absence of oxygen. The emissions generated from the thermal degradation process are filtered and cleaned through its combination of liquid and solid filtration media. It emits no smoke, and the emissions are released as a neutral, non-toxic and non-harmful vapour.

From Trash to ash

This breakthrough innovation has enabled a continuous self-combustion process without the need of extra fuel or power. The Asher currently comes in three variants. The 2 t solar-powered Asher, which is 70% vapour and 30% smoke, is most popular for deployment in rural areas, mines, landfill or dumpsite clearing or where electricity supply is a challenge. There are also the 2.5 t and 4 t electric smokeless units. These units emit vapour and are recommended for clinical waste, city use, as well as large premises like airports, universities, shopping malls, office towers and hospitals.

The Benefits

  • Easy to operate and  1 person can manage up to 5 units
  • Easy maintenance with  virtually  no downtime
  • It is portable and  easily  mobilised
  • Weather proof can operate under many weather conditions
  • Decomposition of most solid waste with no need for prior sorting or segregation to a mere 4% of the gross weight (80-130kg) per hour disposed.
  • The unit is self-powering requiring only solar or electric power for the blower fans used to cool it down
  • Promotes the intergrated solid waste management system of reduce, reuse and recycle
  • Allows waste to  be treated “At source” 
  • Can be an alternative for clearing and cleaning out of dumpsites

The Foreseen Impact of the Asher

The Asher has multilevel impacts at community level, in business organisations, the local authority nationally and globally. Given the mobility of the Asher, both local authorities and even business organisations can acquire their own machines to place on site, in their parking lots (underground/over ground) or the backyard. This will enable trash to be treated at source, and consequently reduce the mounds of waste around street corners, dump sites, and also fulfil the mantra, ’no waste to landfills.’ The woes of waste collection by local authorities will be reduced drastically. While the Asher decomposes all unusable waste into ash, it still fits well into the circular economy as the ash is still reusable as an additive in brick moulding, or manure making depending on the composition of the waste loaded into the Asher. 

On a national scale, the impact of the Asher will be seen in the achievement of an integrated waste management system which incorporates all levels of the community. Its effect will also be seen in the following areas:

  • Reduction in greenhouse gas emissions that emanate from poor waste management
  • Reduction in waste generation
  • Improved livelihood through creation of green jobs
  • Conservation of soil through the use of organic fertilizers
  • Empowerment and capacitation of Women, Youth, people with disability and vulnerable groups

RESQ Energy

RESQ Energy, the distributors of the Asher, has expert focus on renewable energy innovations centred on providing modern solutions to modern economic development challenges. The Asher is their flagship innovation in waste management. They also distribute a range of circular economy technologies for waste to energy, plastic to diesel, including lighting and water solutions.

Contact Details

ADDRESS: 10 Ridgeway North, Chisipite, Harare, Zimbabwe

CONTACT: +263 772 773 382 | +263 786 932 972

LINK: www.RESQenergy.co.zw
