Single-use plastics pressure mounts – as toxicology grows
Organisations whose products and services are based on single-use plastic are increasingly getting under siege. This is due to the vociferous anthems of the environmental effects of plastic from the scientific and civil community. It is well known that plastic supports a great chunk of...
Impact of Climate Change Induced Heat Waves in Coal Mining Areas
The impact of climate change is affecting nations across the globe and it is naturally becoming part of the agenda for every conference. The situation is worse in the coal mining areas. Coal usage is being attributed to worsen climate change due to the increase...
Is it possible to completely phase out coal?
The question on whether Zimbabwe is yet to completely phase out coal or not, will largely depend on verifiable actions put in place as a way of determining the extent at which the country is honouring its pledge to reduce carbon emissions in line with...
How long can coal survive the pressure of phase out?
The corner stone now being cast away; the era of coal is coming to an end. Coal no longer has room in the sustainable low carbon future train that is about to take off. It is a source of energy that has contributed greatly to...