The say the best creation ever made on this earth is that of a human being. A creature born to take on a challenge endowed with the intellectual ability to think, calculate, analyze, reason and create. Just like any other creature when faced by a threat, human nature calls for a means to survive and safeguard its race. Climate change has left humanity with no choice but to ponder on ways to better the situation and make sure that the future is protected. As the world is working on ensuring net zero emissions by 2050, there is a form of energy that could be the absolute solution to carbon emissions. The creation of energy from fusion is no longer a pipeline dream. In fact, with each day that passes the physicists are getting closer to achieving the generation of what can be termed the cleanest form of energy which is low carbon and low radiation emitting.

Upon understanding how the sun is powered, physicists have taken to task to imitate the solar system in a laboratory. For decades, small scale experiments have been done to produce energy through fusion. The process forces together lighter atoms such as hydrogen to form heavier elements and release heat at very high temperatures. The fusion process occurs naturally at thousands of kilometers from the earth to power the sun and the stars. Millions of degrees Celsius are needed to make this process happen that is why nothing can get close to the sun before it melts. It is a universe’s ubiquitous source of energy that is why efforts are being made to harness energy from it. The process is complex and daring but success stories are being written. Close to 5000 science and engineering experts from the EU, Switzerland and Ukraine are working on the difference technical challenges being faced in the designing and preparation of the equipment for fusion energy trials. America and China too are building their own machinery to run tests and produce energy from fusion. Different material and technologies are being used but the concept remains the same.

The scientific principle of fusion is that large amounts of energy can be released by forcing atomic nuclei at temperatures above 100 million degrees Celsius. Two types are hydrogen isotopes namely deuterium and tritium are introduced into a doughnut shaped magnetic field where the fusion process takes place to form helium and release energy. The danger with fusion is the amount of heat introduced to trigger the reaction. No material can withstand such extremely high temperatures. This is where the magnetic field technique comes in to play, to prevent the heat from touching the vessel. A devise called a ‘tokamak’ was designed to have a powerful magnetic field to contain the cloud of hydrogen gas. If a challenge is experienced in the fusion reactor the devise just stops and no astronomical heat will be released. Trials on the type of material to be used for the vessel are also underway. The approved metals to date are beryllium and tungsten which are 10 times less absorbent of tritium compared to those that had been initially used.

The first success story was written in 1997 by Joint European Torus (JET) where 22 megajoules of energy were produced. Lessons were learnt and many improvements were made and 25 years later a much promising result was obtained again by the UK based JET. 59 megajoules (11MW) of energy output were received from the fusion reactor after running for only 5 seconds. One can imagine the amount of energy that can be produced if the reactor is to run for at least 5 hours each day. Enough energy to power the whole world will be produced in just a matter of days. Scientists are optimistic that one day such a reactor which is resilient enough will be constructed and the energy production and supply puzzle will be solved. Decades of work need to be put in place and handed over from generation to generation.

Nations are investing billions of dollars in these projects. The world’s largest magnetic fusion reactor is under construction south of France, the ITER. It has been envisaged that it will be ready for its first trial by 2025 and experts believe that it will have the scale needed to reach the net gain. The ITER is supported by a confederation of governments from the EU, the US, China and Russia. The challenge the physicists have to overcome with fusion energy is that, the reactor has to produce energy more than what has been introduced to cause the reaction. If this is achieved then the world would have made history never to be forgotten in the energy industry.

The need for achieving net zero emissions is urgent hence the need for carbon free energy is also urgent. Fusion seems to be the green card to a sufficient supply of clean energy but one the asks, will fusion energy be ready for use in time to slow down the progression of climate change?
