Africa a Victim of Toxic Waste Dumping
Toxic colonialism has become a persistent trend in Africa. West Africa has been recorded as the top destination for toxic waste with special mention to the Gulf of Guinea. Life taking and health threatening cases of toxic waste dumping have been recorded in the region....
Climate Change affecting children diets
A threat to food security and malnutrition is ranked top under the notion of climate change and children. Climate change is posing a devastating threat on food security especially in countries that rely on rain fed agriculture such as Zimbabwe. A shortage in adequate food...
Low carbon transformation and economic development. A conundrum
Low carbon transformation is a concept where countries, their governments, societies and economies come together to ensure reduction in greenhouse gas emissions to achieve low carbon economies, low carbon societies and in a nutshell, zero emissions. The concept comes with a word transformation because the...
Environmental degradation threatens livelihoods of the disabled
People with disabilities are people with physical challenges or mental impairments that have substantial and long-term effects on the ability of the person to go about their normal day to day activities. This group makes up to 15% of the total population. Most people with...
An uncertain future. How climate change is changing our lives
Regions around the globe are defined by their climate. Different areas around the globe experience different climatic conditions and these define how different species survive. Species have adapted to the climatic conditions in the area they live and have managed to survive for centuries, reproducing...
Dealing with wastewater in industry
Dealing with wastewater in industry is one of the most controversial issues in industry as practitioners continue to bash their heads on how best to manage their wastewater in order to draw less fines and pose less harm to the environment. Manyame River, lake Chivero,...
Reimagining a world where women are no longer vulnerable to climate change
In a world where a lot of changes are being experienced naturally, technologically, economically, biologically there is a certain aspect of life that has remained stagnant or rather has been dawdling to change. The socio-cultural dynamics of the world especially in the poor, African and...
Pesticides and the environment; counting the cost
In this highly industrialized era, agriculture and human health are key aspects that are never to be neglected as they anchor life on this planet. The agricultural sector is very key in the food and pharmaceutical industry among others where agricultural by-products are used. Humans...
Climate change impact on proliferation of invasive alien species
Climate change is a phenomenon that can be identified by noting changes in state of climatic properties (by means of statistical tests) that would have taken place over an extended period of time, decades or longer. These changes have been noted to have an effect...
The rising climate impact of the health sector
Climate change is a non-refutable dawning reality that is already being felt in different countries across the globe. This human induced phenomenon is already eroding the delicate balance of ecosystems in many economic sectors. Health sector impacts on climate change are beginning to be seen...